Conservation and Restoration
MAEF, as holder, has the obligation to preserve cultural property guaranteeing it gets to future generations.
Cultural property conservation and restoration in Spanish museums follows some unified criteria, based on the State and Autonomous Community legislation applicable:
• 16/1985 Law, Spanish Historical Heritage
• 12/1998 Law, December 21st, Balearic Islands Historical Heritage
• International standards and guidelines (Athens Charter from 1931, Venice Charter from 1964, Restoration Charter from 1972, New Restoration Charter for the preservation and restoration of objects of art and culture from 1987, Document of Pavía from 1997 and the Krakow Charter from 2000).
A good preventive conservation avoids restoration actions that should always be regarded as the last resource, when no other alternatives are possible. Because of this, restorations are one-time actions and are always subjected to a correct action on the preventive preservation of this property.
MAEF Conservation and Restoration Laboratory carries out complementary actions to the activities and functions of the museum, both in restoration and in preventive conservation, ensuring the correct conservation, storage and exhibition of the museum’s collection. In order to do this, the museum counts on its modern and functional facilities, after undergoing a complete remodelling in 2010.
For any question, you can contact:

El programa didáctico del MAEF tiene como objetivo fundamental dar a conocer el pasado de las islas de Ibiza y Formentera para entender el presente y asegurar así su futuro.

El Laboratorio de Conservación y Restauración del MAEF realiza labores de soporte a las actividades y funciones del museo, tanto en su labor restauradora como en su vertiente...

La Asociación de Amigos del Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera tiene entre sus objetivos apoyar la gestión y labor del Museo, en todas las funciones que este tiene encomendadas...