Juny - October 2024
The Mediterranean Sea has acted as a communication network connecting different peoples and cultures. In this exhibition, we will learn about the cultural and commercial links between the Phoenicians, Greeks and Celts who inhabited these three enclaves: Ibiza, Empúries and Ensérune.
This time we will do it through a virtual reality exhibition created by the MAEF - Archaeological Museum of Ibiza and Formentera, the MAC Empúries and the Ensérune - Oppidum et musée archéologique from the InterMedit Project - InterMedit Project, in collaboration collaboration with the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the AAMAEF.
Previous Exhibitions
18 May 2016 - 22 January 2017
El Departamento de Didáctica del MAEF se caracteriza por su dinamismo y compromiso con las técnicas de enseñanza, y es una de las secciones que nos define, dentro de nuestro programa cultural.
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3 December 2018 - 5 January 2019
Ésta es la historia de una promesa no cumplida, la que hizo aquel maestro a sus alumnos burgaleses. Les prometió visitar el mar el verano de 1936.
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18 May - 19 November 2018
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8 February - 5 May 2019
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