

In the Didactics room of Puig des Molins Monographic Museum, you can participate in themed workshops. This theme is open to the needs of every Pytiusic educational centre, with a more personalised design, but also among the proposed activities by the Didactics Department.

• The religion and ancient beliefs world: study of the gods and main deities of the ancient world, the rituals, manufacturing of amulets…
• Children’s everyday life in ancient times: diet, education, family and games are elements that have changed a great deal with the passage of time.
• Technology and popular arts in Punic and Roman times: practical activities regarding metals, ceramics, terracotta, kitchenware, mosaics or fabrics manufacturing are available for students to learn in a more fun and educational way.
• Archaeological excavations: students can work in a simulated excavation where they will be able to analyse methodology, goals, artefacts classification, its recovery and restoration…

Oriented to school groups from primary, secondary and bachillerato, with a maximum of 20 people.

Ask about prices. Need to book in advance.

© Museu Arqueològic d'Eivissa i Formentera - Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera - Archaeological Museum of Ibiza and Formentera 2018