MAEF's Research
In addition to the exhibition of its collections, MAEF is proud of the part it plays in conservation, research and dissemination of the Pytiusic islands archaeological heritage.
According to current legislation (4/2003 Law of March 23rd, for Museums of the Balearic Islands), museums are permanent, non-profit and open to the public institutions; that acquire, collect, preserve, research, disseminate and exhibit assemblages and/or collections of historical, archaeological, artistic, industrial-historic, palaeontologic, ethnologic, anthropologic, scientific, technical or of any other cultural value; with different purposes, such as to study, for public instruction, leisure and contemplation.
Because of this, among MAEF’s functions, we must highlight:
• The conservation, cataloguing, restoration and organized exhibition of cultural property and of the collections it holds.
• Research of its property and collections, of its speciality areas and of its cultural surroundings.
• The periodical organization of exhibitions and scientific, research and dissemination activities, according to the museum’s nature.
• The elaboration and publication of monographs and cataloguing of its collections and the dissemination of these publications.
• Organizing educational and cultural dissemination activities, in relation with its collection.
Requests to consult the museum’s collection in the exhibition halls or storage rooms in MAEF, are regulated by:
• 4/2003 Law, March 26, about Balearic Islands museums (BOIB nº 44, April 3rd 2003).
• 14/2001 decree, February 25th, that approves the Regulation for archaeological and palaeontological interventions in the Balearic Islands (BOIB nº 37, March 12th 2011).
Researchers interested in consulting the museographic collection must request it in advance. To consult materials, fill the document in PDF below and sent it to, or handed in personally to our offices.
Access to materials must be previously requested, allowing the normal functioning of all the museum’s services, following the guidelines and instructions from Ibiza and Formentera's Archaeological Museum, to ensure the security, integrity and conservation of all its elements.
MAEF has several consultation rooms according to its nature and storage conditions and will hand out a document with specific standards that must be accepted by all researchers before gaining access to the collection.

El programa didáctico del MAEF tiene como objetivo fundamental dar a conocer el pasado de las islas de Ibiza y Formentera para entender el presente y asegurar así su futuro.

El Laboratorio de Conservación y Restauración del MAEF realiza labores de soporte a las actividades y funciones del museo, tanto en su labor restauradora como en su vertiente...

La Asociación de Amigos del Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera tiene entre sus objetivos apoyar la gestión y labor del Museo, en todas las funciones que este tiene encomendadas...