
MAEF Library

Ibiza and Formentera Archaeological Museum has a highly specialized library with scientific publications in several areas, such as archaeology, history, art, ethnologic and ethnographic heritage, conservation and restoration, museology and museography.

The Library is composed of more than 26,000 computerised volumes located in the facilities belonging to Puig des Molins Monographic Museum (31, Vía Romana). Its catalogue is increased by the addition of new publications, subscriptions to magazines and collections, and also thanks to publication exchanges with universities, museums, research centres and other scientific institutions from over half the world.

In addition, the library comprises a notable specialized bibliographic collection in archaeology, specifically in the Phoenician-Punic world. There is also a wide variety of books, regular publications, catalogues and monographs on other more general aspects from the history, the heritage, the ethnology or the art in the Pityusic and Balearic islands.

This highly specialized library is oriented to researchers, historians, archaeologists or university students, upon request and following the instructions from the person in charge in the museum.

Those researchers interested in consulting this bibliographic collection, must fill in a form to gain access to each publication. This form must be sent by email o handed in at our facilities:

Due to the lack of personnel specifically assigned to the library’s management, researchers will only be granted access upon request, thus allowing the normal functioning of the institutions’ services, compliant with the rules and instructions set by Ibiza and Formentera Archaeological Museum.



El programa didáctico del MAEF tiene como objetivo fundamental dar a conocer el pasado de las islas de Ibiza y Formentera para entender el presente y asegurar así su futuro.

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El Laboratorio de Conservación y Restauración del MAEF realiza labores de soporte a las actividades y funciones del museo, tanto en su labor restauradora como en su vertiente...

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La Asociación de Amigos del Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera tiene entre sus objetivos apoyar la gestión y labor del Museo, en todas las funciones que este tiene encomendadas...

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© Museu Arqueològic d'Eivissa i Formentera - Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera - Archaeological Museum of Ibiza and Formentera 2018