

MAEF offers a series of educational boxes, which can be lent to educational institutions to carry out several practical activities. This activity intends to give a twist to the usual visiting habits to museums: it is not students who visit us, but one of our educational themed boxes which visits the classroom.
Each box contains a guide for the teacher, notebooks for students and several pieces related to the specific content of each box, which students can manipulate and work with.
Available educational boxes:
• The Balearic Islands in Ancient times (1): Bronze metallurgy.
• The Balearic Islands in Ancient times (2): Divinities.
• The Balearic Islands in Ancient times (3): Classic gods and goddesses.

Oriented to 5th and 6th years of primary school and 1st and 2nd year of secondary school.
• Ancient times game.

Oriented to the first years of preschool and 3rd and 4th year of primary school.
• Ibiza and Formentera’s history for beginners.

Our interactive history

MAEF Didactics Department has three interactive CD-ROM available for Pytiusic educational institutions that contain texts, images, photographs, chronological charts and interactive games, educational activities and virtual visits. The titles of the CD-ROM are:
• Prehistory in our islands.
• Phoenicians and the island of Ibiza.
• Discover Puig des Molins.
Oriented to school groups from primary, secondary and bachillerato.
Necessary technical requirements: Pentium III and Power Point software.

© Museu Arqueològic d'Eivissa i Formentera - Museo Arqueológico de Ibiza y Formentera - Archaeological Museum of Ibiza and Formentera 2018